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“FAME” Research Initiative by the CoAI JRC’s Michael Beetz will Enable Robots to Visualize Future Actions

An important challenge for cooperative and cognition-enabled robotics is to develop robots that have the ability to consider different possible courses of action and their likely outcomes before selecting one. This is especially important for robots that are engaged in joint tasks with human partners in which the sub-tasks and individual steps have not yet […]

CoAI Virtual Building Featured in Up2Date

The CoAI Virtual Research and Training Building is featured in the latest issue of up2date, the online magazine of the University of Bremen: “Tall windows, a wide, bright hallway, a mirrored elevator: the virtual research building on cognitive-based AI can be entered like a location in a computer game which is waiting to be explored. […]

CoAI JRC Member Nico Hochgeschwender receives the VDI Ring of Honor

CoAI JRC member Nico Hochgeschwender received the Ring of Honor of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) in recognition of his achievements and numerous scientific contributions in the field of robotics and AI. He enjoys an excellent reputation as an expert and innovator in the field of software engineering for robotics and in his dissertation he […]

Latest Events

15.01.2024, 16:00 - 18:00

Talk by Johanna Seibt on the Problem of Artificial “Social Others”

Title: The Problem of Artificial “Social Others”: How Much Sociality Do We Need for Hybrid Intelligence? Abstract: Co-working, co-creating, cooperation, collaboration—social interactions among humans take many different forms even when the single actions involved are functionally similar: What we take ourselves to be doing together, depends on how we do it together. This raises a […]
11.09.2023 - 15.09.2023

EASE Fall School

The Collaborative Research Center EASE (Everyday Activity Science and Engineering) once again opens its doors for its fall school. More than 100 attendees from all over the world will exchange ideas on the latest developments in AI and robotics.
20.04.2023, 16:00 - 17:30

Talk by Joanna Bryson on Principle Agents of AI

Lecture series "Co-Constructing Intelligence", this time with Joanna Bryson (Hertie School, Berlin). Being an expert in artificial and natural intelligence she is working to improve the governance and ethics of digital technology.