
“FAME” Research Initiative by the CoAI JRC’s Michael Beetz will Enable Robots to Visualize Future Actions

An important challenge for cooperative and cognition-enabled robotics is to develop robots that have the ability to consider different possible courses of action and their likely outcomes before selecting one. This is especially important for robots that are engaged in joint tasks with human partners in which the sub-tasks and individual steps have not yet […]

CoAI Virtual Building Featured in Up2Date

The CoAI Virtual Research and Training Building is featured in the latest issue of up2date, the online magazine of the University of Bremen: “Tall windows, a wide, bright hallway, a mirrored elevator: the virtual research building on cognitive-based AI can be entered like a location in a computer game which is waiting to be explored. […]

CoAI JRC Member Nico Hochgeschwender receives the VDI Ring of Honor

CoAI JRC member Nico Hochgeschwender received the Ring of Honor of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) in recognition of his achievements and numerous scientific contributions in the field of robotics and AI. He enjoys an excellent reputation as an expert and innovator in the field of software engineering for robotics and in his dissertation he […]

KnowRob featured in “up2date” Magazine

The KnowRob software developed by CoAI JRC member Michael Beetz and colleagues is featured in the current issue of the University of Bremen online magazine up2date. KnowRob is an innovative open-source knowledge representation and reasoning framework designed to help household robots perform everyday tasks, such as preparing a meal, in natural human task settings. KnowRob […]

Making AI accessible for companies and research institutions

CoAI JRC partner Paderborn University is a member of the new Service Centre WestAI, one of four service centres across Germany that have started work to make it easier for companies and research institutions to access AI applications and to provide support with their implementation. To this end, methods are being developed to train comprehensive […]

Building trust in science for UNESCO World Science Day

November 10 is the UNESCO World Science Day, and the theme for this year is “Building Trust in Science.” To help mark the occasion, CoAI JRC members Katharina Rohlfing and Britta Wrede held a dialogue about the connection between understanding and trust in science, and about the importance of establishing good communication channels with the […]

Robots with Common Sense

Professor Michael Beetz from the University of Bremen and Professor Philipp Cimiano from the University of Bielefeld have established a long-term collaboration with the goal of making knowledge from many different sources accessible in a machine-readable format.

Virtual Robotics Lab for Students – Intel4CoRo opens up new opportunities

Setting the table or cooking – robots are being programmed to carry out everyday activities like these in a research lab at CoAI JRC partner University of Bremen. All of the robots and their environments also have digital twins, but until now, these have only been available to researchers with sophisticated equipment and sufficient expertise. […]

CHORUS Proposal for a Cluster of Excellence

The three universities participating in the CoAI JRC have submitted a joint proposal for a “Cluster of Excellence” as part of the German Excellence Strategy, Germany’s prestigious funding line to support internationally competitive fields of fundamental research at German universities or university consortia. The cross-site CoAI consortium proposes in its application to investigate a new paradigm for […]

Members of the CoAI JRC launch SAIL, a new network for sustainable AI design

The SAIL network, a joint project of researchers from Paderborn University, Bielefeld University, HSBI and TH OWL, will focus on developing transparent, secure and robust AI systems with applications in industry and healthcare.

CoAI JRC Member Michael Beetz receives ERC Advanced Grant

Professor Michael Beetz is working on AI that plans actions predictively. The grant by the European Research Council (ERC) is endowed with 2.5 million Euros.

New AI Fellowship goes to two CoAI researchers

Professor Dr Barbara Hammer and Professor Dr Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo receive the Lamarr Fellowship to expand research on trustworthy artificial intelligence.

Understanding AI

COAI researchers are working to ensure that humans and machines have matching concepts of the world and understand each other in the future.